Maureen Kennaugh - the cabinet maker
A home is not merely a structure – that is a house. A home consists of people and the memories they create.
The memory and person featured in ‘The Cabinet Maker’ is of Maureen’s late father-in-law, Roly Kennaugh, who designed and built this home-made ‘Manx’ dresser. Dressers are not sophisticated pieces of furniture but often cottage pieces, redolent of cosy homeliness, exactly the kind of cottagey homeliness created in the ‘snug’, which this dresser now graces in her present home.
Roly was a trainee cabinet maker before World War 1. During the war, he enlisted and was indeed lucky to survive to return home from Salonika. But sixty years later he designed and made this dresser in the early 1980s and it is still the most treasured piece of furniture in Maureen’s home today. Although in ‘The Cabinet Maker’ the dresser is only half completed, the memory of Roly in his 80s creating this dresser, the last piece of furniture he made, is still vivid and the memories it now contains of family photographs and precious pieces of ceramics, creates for Maureen a continued sense of home and homeliness.
Medium: free machine stitching
Dimensions: 65 x 53 cm
The memory and person featured in ‘The Cabinet Maker’ is of Maureen’s late father-in-law, Roly Kennaugh, who designed and built this home-made ‘Manx’ dresser. Dressers are not sophisticated pieces of furniture but often cottage pieces, redolent of cosy homeliness, exactly the kind of cottagey homeliness created in the ‘snug’, which this dresser now graces in her present home.
Roly was a trainee cabinet maker before World War 1. During the war, he enlisted and was indeed lucky to survive to return home from Salonika. But sixty years later he designed and made this dresser in the early 1980s and it is still the most treasured piece of furniture in Maureen’s home today. Although in ‘The Cabinet Maker’ the dresser is only half completed, the memory of Roly in his 80s creating this dresser, the last piece of furniture he made, is still vivid and the memories it now contains of family photographs and precious pieces of ceramics, creates for Maureen a continued sense of home and homeliness.
Medium: free machine stitching
Dimensions: 65 x 53 cm