Sarah Devereau
"In her small studio Sarah has a large plan chest full of sketches, drawings and colour studies for use in future oil paintings. The drawers are divided into places, countries and subjects of recurring interest. The top drawer is Manx with drawings from all over the Island - farm houses, hills, trees, fields, gateways and much detailed work on Ballakilmartin, and on Ballafayle-y-Callow - now sadly demolished. Other drawers have drawings of Byzantine chapels in Greece, of olive trees in Provence and hidden alleyways and arches in Venice. Sarah always paints in oil on canvas with a limited palette. She usually has many paintings on the go and months may pass before each work is complete and ready to send off to Rachel Keown, City Framing in Peel, for a simple floating frame. Sarah has postcards of Ballakilmartin and Ballafayle-y-Callow which can be posted to you. If you have any queries please ring on 813936. |